Beer: Belle Saison
Brewery: A l'abri de la TempĂȘte
Style: Herbed/Spiced Beer
ABV: 5.8%
Serving: Bottle
Score: B
Poured from a 341ml. bottle, bottled April 2011.
Appearance: A clear yellow body with a very white and generous head that reduces itself to one then next to nothing after.
Smell: Citrusy and flowery mostly with some honey sweetness.
Taste: Aromatic in flavor with a tinge of sweetness, citrus fruit, herbs, grassy and maybe honey.
Mouthfeel: Brief snap of carbonation with a light body though still robust enough. It has the feel of a cask ale a bit as well.
Overall: A refreshing summer beer that is not perfect but still pleasant. Easily drinkable despite the average mouthfeel.
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