Beer: Rosée d'hibiscus
Brewery: Dieu du Ciel!
Style: Herbed/Spiced Beer
ABV: 5.9%
Serving: Bottle
Score: B
Poured from a 341ml. bottle, bottled March 2011.
Appearance: A dark pinkish body that resembles pureed strawberries with a light pink head (3 fingers). Retention is good and lacing is average.
Smell: Wheat aroma, very crisp with herbal and ripe fruit overtones.
Taste: A bit of sweetness tucked in the back but very leafy with some slight tropical fruit and plant stems. Overripe fruit (strawberries?) and some mild bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Carbonation is quite low and the feel is very easy. It's refreshing though it lacks a bit of a lively punch.
Overall: Certainly different and it's easy to drink. While good, it doesn't really grab me. This would be good with a sunny day rather than the down pour we're getting.
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