Beer: Hoppy Feet 1.5
Brewery: Clown Shoes
Style: Black Ale
ABV: 11%
Serving: Bottle
Score: A
Big thanks to my wife for picking this up for me in Albany. Shared with her while eating pizza.
Poured from a bomber, bottled end of Mar. 2011.
Appearance: 3/4 of the glass fills up with light mocha colored foam and gradually a brown-black body is seen. The head sits still at a good 3 fingers and there's lacing all the way down. Couldn't ask for better.
Smell: Oily hops, resiny, more mango than melon and some coffee as it warms.
Taste: Strong hit of hops mixed with roasted flavors and coffee but as it progresses, hops become the dominant player. Juicy and pulpy goodness. Very satisfying.
Mouthfeel: Incredible balance that shifts a bit to the bitterness side though as it warms. The feel is everywhere in the palate and it lasts long after the final sip.
Overall: This is an awesome beer. Very drinkable despite the ABV though make no mistake, this beer is big on the bitterness and flavor. Grab this if you see it. It's worth it!
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