Beer: Creemore Springs UrBock
Brewery: Creemore Springs
Style: Bock
ABV: 6%
Serving: Can
Picked this up on a trip to Ottawa last month. Shared with my wife over ziti, fresh homemade bread and salad.
Poured from a 473ml. can, canned Jan. 13, 2011 (code A131110:45).
Appearance: An ecru colored frothy head with body more clear than opaque that has a stark ruby red color. Retention is very good.
Smell: Grainy with malt and some sweetness as it warms. Too discreet.
Taste: At first, not much. A mineral-like feel with some spices and a tea-like presence maybe? Lots of malt with a caramel flavor and as it warms, i get get some candied sweetness.
Mouthfeel: Very lively and a full-bodied feel. Spot-on and quite enjoyable.
Drinkability: Easy to enjoy and no impediment. I may seek it out again.
Overall: I started out not really liking it but warmed up to it. Still, i wasn't really impressed with it per se.
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