Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beer Advocate Review #246

Mill Street Lemon Tea Ale
Brewery: Mill Street
Style: Herbed/Spiced Beer
ABV: 5%
Serving: Can

Picked this up on a day trip to Ottawa last month. Had it last Sunday night with my spaghetti while watching the Oscars.

Poured from a 473ml. can.

Appearance: A generous white head with creamy texture, almost like a nitro pour. Body is clear and yellow-gold. Retention is average and no traces or lacing left on glass.

Smell: Lemon and soapy a little. Not bad.

Taste: Very bland at first then gets marginally better as it warms a little. The lemon is quite weak though my wife says she definitely tastes the tea.

Mouthfeel: Smooth and very light-bodied as per the style though it tends to migrate too much to a watery feel and it's not very alive.

Drinkability: Easy drinking but not much to keep my interest.

Overall: Not feeling it. I guess it's not my cup of tea (*groan*).

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