Beer: Doppelbock Dunkel
Brewery: Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg
Style: Doppelbock
ABV: 8.5%
Serving: Bottle
Thanks to derek for this one. Had it last night with my supper, grilled broccoli and orange chicken.
Poured from a 330ml. bottle, best before 02.2010.
Appearance: A thick oatmeal colored head (3 fingers) with a heavily tinted reddish body(semi-opaque) and decent staying power.
Smell: Dark fruit with a bit of liquor. Musty a little.
Taste: Slight wood and dark fruits mostly at first. This is malt all the way though it's pleasant. Sweet but not cloying. A spicy, herbal finish that at first was hard to pinpoint but it's definitely mint.
Mouthfeel: Practically no carbonation and very smooth. A nice warmth at the end.
Overall: I really dug this one. Considering the age, it held up well.