Monday, May 2, 2011

Beer Advocate Review #263

Beer: Patriote (yellow label)
Brewery: Brasseurs Illimités
Style: Blonde Ale
ABV: 4.9%
Serving: Bottle
Score: C-

Had this with some pizza.

Poured from a 341ml. bottle.

Appearance: An eggshell with head, 3 fingers with a body the color of light ginger ale. The foam is gone in less than 1 minute.

Smell: Malt nose, clean with maybe a hint of hops?

Taste: No hops in sight, all malt with light grain, corn and a bit of skunkiness that thankfully disappears fast. This is all faint and hard to grasp.

Mouthfeel: Low carbonation, some claminess and an otherwise decent body.

Overall: Uninteresting and disappointing. Nothing off but nothing lively either.

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