Monday, May 2, 2011

Beer Advocate Review #261

Beer: La Grivoise de Noel
Brewery: Le Trou Du Diable
Style: Belgian Dark Ale
ABV: 9.5%
Serving: Bottle
Score: B

***2009 Vintage***

Shared with my wife last night.

Poured from a 500ml. bottle.

Appearance: Creamy foam fills 3/4 of the glass and gradually recedes. Body is a light brown, very hazy looking and has some ruby red tinges. Retention is good though not much lacing.

Smell: Spices with a slight sweetness but way too discreet for my taste. As it warms, a sugary and caramel aroma but still not very strong.

Taste: Sugar, candy and a nice spicy finish. Really feels like candy on the lips. Some dried fruit and heavy on the malt. Not really cloying.

Mouthfeel: Mellow, smooth and a very low carbonation. Warming and really coats the mouth. Body is medium.

Overall: A nice ale but i was a little let down taste-wise though i can't really pin down why. Still remains a tasty beer and worth trying.

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