Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beer Advocate Review #259

Beer: Sèv
Brewery: Brasseurs Illimités
Style: American Amber/Red Ale
ABV: 6.9%
Serving: Bottle
Score: C+

A collaboration beer with La Famille Constantin, a sugar shack in the vicinity of the brewery. Billed as an ale eustachoise.

Poured from a 341ml. bottle.

Appearance: 3 fingers worth of light tan head that reduces itself more quickly than i would have liked to barely a finger. Body is a dark amber hue.

Smell: At first, faint maple with some nuttiness. Warming up, i get some boiling in a pot maple but it's still way to low key.

Taste: Grainy, not much maple at first. Malty than a bit aggressive bitterness-wise than as it nears room temperature it becomes quite mellow. The maple is too much of a minor player to register.

Mouthfeel: Some bitterness that smooths out. Carbonation is average to low.

Overall: Definitely let this one warm up as it gets mildly better. Still, there's not much to differentiate this from any other amber ale. Not worth revisiting for me.

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