BEER: Creemore Springs Premium Lager
BREWERY: Creemore Springs
STYLE: American Amber/Red Lager
ABV: 5%
Enjoyed this with my supper, baked spinach ziti.
Poured from a 473ml. can. Lot A2511112:00 (canned Jan. 25, 2011).
Appearance: Massive 3-4 finger head, very white with excellent retention and lacing.
Smell: Crisp and nutty. Very shy though gets a bit better as it warms.
Taste: Nut-like with not much grain. I get hints of fruit in there and a small bitterness as it warms. Very malt-like with not much hop presence.
Mouthfeel: Decent carbonation and a nice full body, for the style.
Drinkability: Glides down the throat effortlessly. I could have this every now and again.
Overall: A nice flavorful lager that manages to keep it simple yet interesting.
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